
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Learning Update

In Math last week, students were introduced to various attributes (faces, edges and vertices) of 3 dimensional geometric objects.  Ms. Rahal's class was able to identify 3-D objects in the environment, while Ms. McGill's class began comparing the cubes and triangular pyramids that they made.  

Students are enjoying targeted practice of two-digit by two-digit addition and subtraction through our Math Centres.  Those students who have mastered equations without regrouping have moved onto practicing two-digit addition with regrouping.  This is a skill that has been taught individually to students and will be taught to the class as a whole in the spring.  
Lastly, both Grade 2 classes have been working hard at identifying and comprehending the key words and phrases within a word problem.


In Science, students in Ms. Rahal's class practiced reading the temperature in degrees Celsius by coloring in a thermometer.  Students in both classes completed an activity sort where they identified and sorted objects that are hot and cold.  Ms. McGill's class compared these objects by describing them using the phrases "hotter than" and "colder than".  

In Social Studies, students watched videos and started a research project on the Metaghan community. Students were split into 5 groups and each group had a task question.  The questions were:
1)   Where is Meteghan?
2)   How can we get to Meteghan?
3)   What is the weather like in Meteghan?
4)   What kind of clothes should I bring to Meteghan?
5)   What will I do in Meteghan?

Students worked collaboratively and visited websites where they were able to watch videos and read articles specific to the question their group was given.

Message from the Principal

Please see the attached message from Mr. Yeung:

January 24, 2020

Dear Parents, 

We would like to inform you that our wonderful administrative secretary Jennifer Ashe (Woznow) will be leaving us on Maternity leave as of January 31, 2020. We are so excited for her and will miss her dearly!

We are also very excited to welcome Natasha Bailey to our Keeler School family on February 3, 2020. Ms. Bailey will be in and out of the office for the last few Fridays in January to help prep for the transition. Wishing Ms. Woznow all the best!, and a very warm welcome to Ms. Bailey!
Thank you, 

Kenny Yeung
t | 403-777-8180 ext. 2123 
f | 403-777-8184

Monday, January 20, 2020

Pizza Lunch

Please read the following message from Mr. Yeung:

Dear Parents,

To celebrate the cookie dough fundraiser from last year we will be having a whole school pizza lunch on January 22, 2020.  There will be no charge to parents, thank you to School Council, and we will be ordering pepperoni, cheese, Hawaiian, vegetarian and gluten free options from Panago Pizza. Each student will receive up to 2 slices of pizza, should they want 2 slices, so please make sure to still send your child with snacks and some extra food for lunch, just in case they are still hungry.

If your child has any food allergies, that we are not already aware of, please make sure to let the office know as soon as possible and if your child normally goes home for lunch, they are welcome to stay at the school that day at no extra charge. Please just make sure to let us know your child will be staying if they do not normally stay. Should you not want your child to partake in the pizza lunch, please also let us know as soon as possible. 

An extra special thank you to School Council for providing us with this fun lunch and for everything they do for us! Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the school at 403-777-8180.

Thank you, 

Kenny Yeung
Keeler School

Popcorn Sale for the Australian Bushfires

Keeler School’s Generosity Club has been brainstorming ways that we can help our friends in Australia, who are dealing with terrible bushfires. We have decided to have a popcorn sale to raise money to help with some of the costs. Our popcorn sale will happen January 20-23rd, 2020, at lunch time. We will sell bags of popcorn for $1. All of the money raised will go to one of four foundations:

Adelaide Koala Rescue – Helps take care of Koalas that have been hurt due to fires
The New South Wales Rural Fire Services – Helps support Firefighters and their families
CFS Foundation for Volunteer Firefighters – Helps Volunteer Firefighters who have lost their homes or have been hurt while fighting fires
Beyond Blue – A foundation that helps survivors with counselling and other mental health support.

If your child would like to purchase popcorn, they can bring money Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. There will be no popcorn sale on Friday, the 24th because we do not have lunch on Fridays.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Baniak or Mrs. Genno at 403-777-8180.

Thank you so much for thinking of those in need, and supporting our fundraiser!

-Generosity Club

Learning Update

Welcome to the first blog post of the new year.  The weather last week certainly didn't keep us away from learning.  Brrrr!

Right away, we started off by brainstorming and writing our January goals.  At the beginning of each month, students choose and record an academic goal, which for most students targets an area of Literacy or Math.  Next, students choose a random goal.  This encourages them to strive for growth within an activity that they are passionate about.  Lastly, a Circle of Courage goal, which is centered around one of Mastery, Independence, Generosity, or Belonging. 

After the winter break the Grade 2s hit the ground running, starting three new units.

In Math, we have begun exploring 3-D shapes and have also introduced Math Centers.  Within these Math centers, we are able to complete targeted practice for our two-digit addition and subtraction skills, as well as maintain our knowledge of the other various math skills that we have covered so far this year!
In Mrs. Rahals class, students were also introduced to word problems and various ways to solve the problem using pictorial representation and number sentences. 

In Science we are investigating Hot and Cold.  We will be completing experiments and doing research so that the students can...
- describe temperature in relative terms, using expressions, such as hotter than, colder than. 
- measure temperature in degrees Celscius 
-describe the role of insulation in keeping things hot or cold.  

AND just a few more!

In Social Studies we are about to begin learning about Acadian cultures, so we spent the week focussing on where the Maritime provinces of Canada are located, and discussed how the landscape differs from that of the prairies.  The Maritime provinces of Canada are just a portion of Eastern Canada that hosts the rich history of Acadians.

Music: Ms. McGill's class learned what the word tempo means and had fun exploring the tempos of various songs! Mrs. Rahals class learned a Hot and Cold song with actions.  

2020-2021 Staffing Update:

The following message went out on school messenger: Keeler | 2020-2021 Staffing Update Dear Keeler Families, Please see attache...