
Thursday, April 30, 2020


This letter regarding assessment was sent out on school messenger. (see link)

Some notes on Grade 2 Assessment:

Google Classroom

- Formative Assessment will be given in the form of comments given on turned in assignments.  We will be commenting on every assignment.  If you do not see feedback after a week of turning it in, please message us, as it is possible that we missed commenting!

- Starting next week, 100/100 will be given for turning in assignments.  This is not reflective of the content, simply the completion of an assignment.

- Starting this week, rubrics are being provided on assignments.  This is a tool for parents who are looking to understand where their child is at in regard to achievement of an assignment's purpose.

With that being said, our priority is the wellness of students, NOT the number that is attached to an assignment.  Additionally, course grades as of March 15 may be improved upon, but cannot go down.  

Report card marks will be based on work done in the classroom prior to March 15th and the final report card will also reflect March 15 - June 15, which will include Google Classroom tasks, formative, and summative assessments, where a student has shown improvement.

We miss the students so much! Please let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to help you during this challenging time.

- Ms McGill & Mrs. Rahal.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Keeler's Weekly Video Message

The following message was sent out on school messenger:

Dear Keeler families,
Please click on the link below for our weekly video message for April 27th-May 1st.    We encourage families to continue to check school messenger emails, class blogs and school website for updates.  

Office hours:
Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3:15pm
Friday 8:30am-1:30pm

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions you may have.
Kenny Yeung
Principal ​

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Keeler's Weekly Video Message

The following message was sent out on school messenger:

Dear Keeler families,

Please click on the link below for our weekly video message for April 20-24.    We encourage families to continue to check school messenger emails, class blogs and school website for updates.  

Office hours:
Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3:15pm
Friday 8:30am-1:30pm

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions you may have.

Kenny Yeung
Principal ​

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Keeler's Weekly Video Message

The following message was sent out on school messenger:

Dear Keeler families,

Please click on the link below for our weekly video message for April 13-17.    Continue to check school messenger emails, class blogs and school website for updates.  

Please do not hesitate to contact your child teacher or us if you have any questions.

Kenny Yeung
Principal ​

Thursday, April 9, 2020


The following message was sent out on school messenger:

April 9th, 2020

Dear Keeler Families,

By now, you have received news that we will be using Google Classroom as our virtual learning space for students.  Some of you have already joined the classroom and explored.  Initial learning opportunities will be posted on Monday April 13th by 10am for your children to begin getting used to working this way. We encourage your child to check into their google email accounts each day. Allow them to log into their accounts and explore the classroom so that they establish as much independence as possible.

Encourage your child to send their teachers emails if they don’t understand a concept or need clarification.  We want the tasks children do to be as independent as possible, and where you do need to support, we will make every effort for it to be as easy as possible. Regular communication is vital during the weeks ahead for your child to be successful, so don’t hesitate to ask questions and reach out to teachers.  This is an important part of our role and we are here to support!  Here are a few hints for you as you navigate learning at home:

Learning tasks, as per Alberta Learning directive, will emphasize literacy and numeracy.   Grade 4 and 5 teachers will give opportunities to incorporate science and social studies outcomes through cross-curricular learning.

If your child is keen to work beyond an hour each day that is fine, but it is not required. 
If your child is struggling with a task that is taking a significant amount of time, please communicate with your child’s teacher so he/she can make modifications to the task.  This is what they would normally do when at school, but we need parents to help by giving teachers feedback.   

It may take a few weeks for teachers, parents and children to better understand what an hour may look like for each child or what will work for your family.  If the work turns out to be more than an hour per day, please let the teacher know so they can adjust.  Please be patient with this process.  We are here to support you and make this work the best we can for you.  Flexibility will be key to our current situation. We will try to be as responsive as possible as we work through this new system. 

If your child is frustrated please take breaks when needed.  Come back to the work later. 

If the online format is not working for your child, you always have the option of paper copy assignments.  Please let your child’s teacher know if the technology is not working for your family.  Hard copy assignment pickup will always be on Monday from 10am-3pm.  If you are picking up other than Monday please make arrangements with the office or your teacher to ensure we have the package ready.  You can drop the finished work off at the school thru the drop box slot located on the front middle door (North doors).

When you or your child are having trouble logging in, please contact the teacher and we will try to fix the issue. 

Office hours are from 8:30am – 11:30am and 12:30pm – 3:09pm. Please contact the office if your contact information needs to be changed or updated.
With information changing so quickly, I will be changing my weekly communication to Friday.  Please note that you may be receiving school messengers from teachers and the school more often as our situation changes, and as we launch our google classrooms.  This can be overwhelming however we, as a school, do want you to have the most recent information as it is made available to share.  We will do our best to minimize our messages or save them as a weekly update. 

I want to thank every Keeler family for your support in this new way of learning. I know this is a stressful time and some have experienced job loss, some work from home while attending to family while others still work full time and have your children in care. 

To our front-line workers experiencing high levels of stress, thank you for all you do to keep everyone safe during this difficult time.  All our hearts are with you! 

For everyone in our Keeler learning community and the community at large, please remember that the well-being of you and your family must come first.  Please take care of you and your family.   

This is not easy, but I know we will get through this as we support one another.  Please know we are here for you!

Thank you,

Kenny Yeung

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


April 7th, 2020

Dear Keeler Families,  

By now, you should have had contact from your child’s teacher. It is our goal to establish a strong partnership in communication as we strive to move student learning forward during this challenging time.  Please review the following education plans for Keeler School:  
  • We will be using Google Classroom as our learning platform consistently across the school.  From here, you may be linked to your teacher’s regular blog or alternate communication methods that has been taking place throughout the year. You will receive more information about the platform and the roll out over the next week.
  • Students are expected to work for one hour per day (five hours per week) in the areas of literacy and numeracy (K-3) and one hour per day (five hours per week) in literacy and numeracy with Science and Social Studies integrated (4-5). We understand that every family situation is different and learning times for each family will vary. We suggest that you try to be consistent with this time and establish a routine at home that works for your family. 
  • April 6 – April 9: Ongoing teacher communication with families will take place. Teachers will be learning Google Classroom and, byMonday April 13th by 10:00am, they will make available the first learning opportunity for students. 
  • Students who require print materials will be provided weekly packages that will include all the learning assignments and tasks. Pick-up and Drop off of student learning packages will be conducted each Monday between the hours of 10:00am – 3:00pm. If you are unable to attend during these hours please contact the office (subject to change).
  • Calgary Board of Education is reviewing technology usage and loaner programs for students who do not have technology resources available to them. We will continue to communicate over the coming weeks on resources that will be available to students as Keeler School does not have chrome books available to loan.
  • Attached to this message we have provided you with a Google Classroom Consent, please review this document, no signature is required at this time.

Our school remains open, so please don’t hesitate to call or email should you have any questions, our office hours are 8:30am – 3:09pm.  We know this is a stressful time for families as we attempt to work from home and/or make alternate childcare arrangements.  This is a time for all of us to be flexible as we navigate these changes.  We want you to know how much we miss your children and look forward to connecting with you this week. 


Kenny Yeung

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 5th, 2020 

April 5, 2020

Hello Parents and Students!

Welcome back Grade 2’s.  Ms. McGill and I look forward to connecting will everyone over the next few days and very excited to hear about all of the cool things you’ve been doing!
Ms. McGill and I will be working hard on a Google Classroom site for all students. More information including a link and how to access Google Classroom will come later this week.  Parents can also continue to contact us through e-mail (,
Keep healthy and safe!
Ms. McGill and Ms. Rahal

April 3rd, 2020 Welcome back message 

Dear Keeler families,

Please click on the link below for a quick welcome back message for Monday April 6th.  Staff will be contacting families on Monday.  Please continue to check school messenger emails, class blogs and school website for updates.  Please do not hestiate to contact me if you have any questions.

We know that it has been a strange and difficult time for your families and we appreciate the understanding and support we have recieved from our school community.

Kenny Yeung

Welcome Back!!

2020-2021 Staffing Update:

The following message went out on school messenger: Keeler | 2020-2021 Staffing Update Dear Keeler Families, Please see attache...