
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Learning Update


Last week we continued to work on measurement using standard (cm) and non-standard units.
Students worked to create a background for their measurement garden project.  This allowed them to experiment with various colors of paint.  Next week students will organize the flowers in height order.  They will then measure them, concluding this portion of our measurement unit.

Students have also been working hard on their math facts and strategies for double digit addition.  

Social Studies 

The main task for last week was: being a modern child on the prairies.  Within this, students brainstormed ideas about their own lives.  Some of the things they came up with were: being able to go to the zoo, restaurants, movies, school, the park, church, daycare, play and learn, etc.  Students also brainstormed food that they like to eat.

The Social Studies curriculum for Grade 2 investigates an Inuit community, an Acadian community, and a prairie community.  Throughout the year as students learn about these communities, the intention is that they are able to use the understanding they have of their own community, to explore and make connections to others.


We concluded work on our floating magnetic cars!  A class discussion was held where students connected their background knowledge of magnetism to the car building experience.  Next, students had to complete 3 tasks to prompt evidence of their learning.

  1. When I first built my car, did it work? (yes/no)
  2. What did I need to do to fix the problem? 
  3. Students drew their car on the magnetic track and labeled the items needed to make their car work. 


Literacy Centers

  • Students worked very hard last week familiarizing themselves with and understanding the expectations of each literacy center.  


  • In Ms. Rahal's class, students were introduced to words they can use to connect two sentences together (conjunction words).  Some of these words include and, because, but, so.  Students enjoyed this activity and will be introduced to some more words in the next couple of weeks. 
  • For example: 
    • John is happy. He got a new car. --> John is happy because he got a new car. 
    • The weather was hot. They went swimming --> The weather was hot so they went swimming.
  • Ms. McGill's class will be focusing on this writing skill in the upcoming week.  

Have an absolutely fantastic week!

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