
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Learning Resources

In order to provide continuity of delivery of educational programming across Alberta, we (CBE) as a system is working on long term delivery of programming. We will be providing system wide messaging for families prior to the break.  In the meantime, here is a list of sites that can help your student continue practicing what we have been learning in class.

Please message us on class dojo or email with any questions.  
  • Ms. McGill:
  • Ms. Rahal:

 1.  Math websites: These websites allow students to practice their addition and subtraction facts,

problem solving, place value, and measurement in a variety of different ways.  Some may require the creation of an account.    

2.  Reading websites: 

3. Writing: It is important that students continue to write! Here are some writing prompts to help them get started.  As they write, students should focus on using descriptive words in their sentences.  

4.  Arthub: Fun, guided drawing videos for kids.

5.  Science: Bill Nye, “Heat”- We have watched this, but it is a good refresher of Science vocabulary.

6.  Gym: GoNoodle- A good website for kids to get their jitters out.

7.  Mindfulness: Cosmic Kids Yoga- Students can practice mindfulness and yoga moves to help them calm down.


The linked message was sent out on school messenger. 

Learning Update

As busy as the last few days have been, we wanted to make sure that you were still informed regarding last week's learning!  Tools and resources to use for the rest of the week and moving into spring break will be provided this afternoon.  


Ms. Rahal's class continued to work on using contractions in both writing and speaking!  Both classes  worked in their literacy groups and guided reading multiple times last week.  Ms. McGill's class specifically used guided reading in their literacy groups, to target letter or word work based on student needs.  The letter and word work was driven by recent letter assessments that I completed with individual students.


Both classes continued their understanding of place value by practicing their computational skills utilizing both horizontal and stacking strategies.  Additionally, students continued to explore 2-D shapes in the world around them by identifying circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles in magazines and flyers.  This hands on activity allowed students to cut out shapes and glue them to a poster of that shape.  


As a class, we completed an experiment where Ms. Rahal and Ms. McGill used foam to build an invention that can insulate an ice cube.  We placed one ice cube inside the foam and left one sitting on a paper towel.  Students asked the question, "which one will melt first?", made a hypothesis, drew and labelled two sets of observations and lastly, decided on a conclusion.

Social Studies

Ms. McGill's class travelled to Meteghan using last week's passports!  This allowed us a chance to review landscape and begin talking about what Acadian culture looked like in the past.


The following message was sent out on school messenger:

"March 16th, 2020 UPDATE- 7:00pm

Please refer to letter in the previous post regarding pick-up of student belongings.

Reminder to continue to check your emails as regular school messenger updates will be sent out.

In addition, please go to individual grade team blogs for resources heading into spring break: "

Resources heading into spring break will be posted on Class Dojo and the class blog by the end of the day.

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Dear Parents & Guardians,

Alberta Education and Alberta Health Services has announced that all public schools will be cancelled and closed effective immediately (March 15th, 2020 6:30pm).  There will be a Calgary Board of Education email sent to all families later this evening outlining details.  Please note the time of this email, as there was an update letter sent today at 1:30pm that no longer applies.

Thanks for your patience!


Kenny Yeung

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Learning Update

Hello Grade 2 Families,

Time sure flies when you are having fun!

Last week in Social Studies, we finished our packing lists and made passports.  In these passports, students filled out their name, date of birth, place they were born, and nationality.  This was a wonderful opportunity for our classes to discuss the various cultures, languages, and heritages we have in our classrooms, and how that contributes to our school community.   
As we finish our Social Studies unit about Meteghan, an Acadian community, and continue on to our next unit, involving an Inuit community, students will receive stamps or stickers on their passports!  


Students in Mrs. Rahal's class continued to explore 2-D shapes in the environment and created various images using 2-D shapes.  
Ms.  McGill's class worked towards the statement, "I can identify 2-D shapes in the environment and 2-D shapes as parts of 3-D shapes." 

Ms. McGill's class worked on transferring horizontal math facts into the stacking (vertical) strategy to encourage further understanding of place value.  Once the equation was stacked, students were encouraged to solve it!  

Students in Mrs. Rahal's class worked on answering horizontal math facts, remembering to add from right to left (first the ones place, then the tens place). If students had difficulty, they could convert the horizontal math fact to vertical (stacking) to help them solve the equation.


This week in Writing, Mrs. Rahal’s class was introduced to contractions.  A contraction consists of two words that are combined to form one word.  Students have been learning how to take two longer words and contract them into one shorter word.  For example: they are = they’re, we have= we’ve, I will= I’ll, would not= wouldn’t.

Ms. McGill's class continued to work on identifying the beginning, middle and end parts of stories.  Room 7 also wrote out our March goals; we chose a Circle of Courage goal, Math or Literacy goal, and a random (outside of school) goal.

Thursday, March 5, 2020



This is a follow up reminder from the School Messenger messages sent on January 16th, February 24th, and March 3rd to our Keeler community and staff.

March 18th - Students have a full day of school (8:30am - 3:09pm)
March 19th - Students have early dismissal (12:09pm) followed by Parent Conferences (1:00pm - 8:00pm)

Linked below is an updated Keeler School Calendar for the 2019-2020 school year.  

Please contact the office if you have any further questions. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Good Afternoon Keeler Families,
Here are some reminders and upcoming events happening at Keeler.
  1. Tomorrow March 4this Crazy Hair Day!
  2. Student/Parent Teacher Interviews are on Thursday March 19, 2020 from 1:00pm - 8:00pm(Half Day for Students 8:30am - 12:09pm early dismissal); online bookings will open on March 12 at 8:00am, please book your interview through your MyCBE account. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office.
  3. There isNOschool on Friday March 20th.
  4. Front doors open at 8:00am- please ensure your child is not at school before this time as we do not have the capacity to supervise prior to 8:00am. We will not be opening the doors before 8:00 am. 
  5. Starting April 6th, we will be implementing a new entry door for students who wish to participate in the Breakfast Program. Students will only be able to gain access through the South Door (by the park). If you child comes to the front door they will be kindly reminded to go around to the south door entrance. This is to ensure the safety of our students and proper supervision. 
  6. To ensure the safety of our staff, students and parents, PLEASE DO NOT PARK, drop off or pick-up in the parking lot. Our parking lot cannot facilitate drop offs or pick-ups during school hours.
  7. Reminder to log on to your MyCBE account to review and pay fees attached to your student.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Learning Update

Hello Grade 2 Families,

The past few weeks have been busy!

In Science, students performed an experiment where they answered the question: "What is the coldest place inside the school?"  We travelled around to different areas, and used a thermometer to measure the temperature.  We learned that the coldest place inside the school is inside the lunchroom freezer.

We have been doing more preparation work for our Meteghan trip!  (Social Studies)
Each class decided on a route to Meteghan, using prior knowledge from our research project last month.  Ms. McGill's class will be flying to St. John's, taking the ferry to Digby, Nova Scotia, and then a bus to Meteghan.  Now, we are making a packing list.

Math: Following the activity where we made videos describing and comparing our favorite 3-Dimensional shapes, we began to study 2-Dimensional shapes.  Goals for the students in Ms. McGill's class were that by the end of the week, they would be able say, "I can describe the difference between 2-D and 3-D shapes." and "I can identify what the D stands for in 2-D and 3-D."  Ms. Rahal's class began to identify 2-D shapes in their environment.

Writing: Both Ms. McGill and Ms. Rahal's classes are working extremely hard to develop their comprehension skills.  Part of this journey means identifying the beginning, middle, and end parts of stories, as well as the characters, setting, problem, and solution.

Last week, Ms. McGill's class read the book "ish", by Peter Reynolds, and students worked to independently identify the beginning, middle, and end parts.  Additionally, both classes learned about contractions (you are = you're) and Ms. Rahal's class worked on adding "juicy" a.k.a. descriptive words to their writing.

Have a fantastic week!

2020-2021 Staffing Update:

The following message went out on school messenger: Keeler | 2020-2021 Staffing Update Dear Keeler Families, Please see attache...