Time sure flies when you are having fun!
Last week in Social Studies, we finished our packing lists and made passports. In these passports, students filled out their name, date of birth, place they were born, and nationality. This was a wonderful opportunity for our classes to discuss the various cultures, languages, and heritages we have in our classrooms, and how that contributes to our school community.
As we finish our Social Studies unit about Meteghan, an Acadian community, and continue on to our next unit, involving an Inuit community, students will receive stamps or stickers on their passports!
Students in Mrs. Rahal's class continued to explore 2-D shapes in the environment and created various images using 2-D shapes.
Ms. McGill's class worked towards the statement, "I can identify 2-D shapes in the environment and 2-D shapes as parts of 3-D shapes."
Ms. McGill's class worked on transferring horizontal math facts into the stacking (vertical) strategy to encourage further understanding of place value. Once the equation was stacked, students were encouraged to solve it!
Students in Mrs. Rahal's class worked on answering horizontal math facts, remembering to add from right to left (first the ones place, then the tens place). If students had difficulty, they could convert the horizontal math fact to vertical (stacking) to help them solve the equation.
This week in Writing, Mrs. Rahal’s class was introduced to contractions. A contraction consists of two words that are combined to form one word. Students have been learning how to take two longer words and contract them into one shorter word. For example: they are = they’re, we have= we’ve, I will= I’ll, would not= wouldn’t.
Ms. McGill's class continued to work on identifying the beginning, middle and end parts of stories. Room 7 also wrote out our March goals; we chose a Circle of Courage goal, Math or Literacy goal, and a random (outside of school) goal.
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